Capsule house production raw materials and production process


Capsule houses, often seen in the context of modular or prefabricated housing, involve a streamlined production process that emphasizes efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. Below is an overview of the typical raw materials used and the general production process.

Raw Materials

  1. Steel: Used for the structural framework due to its strength and durability.
  2. Concrete: Often used for foundations and sometimes for the structure itself in prefabricated concrete modules.
  3. Wood: Utilized for interior finishes, flooring, and sometimes for structural elements in certain designs.
  4. Insulation Materials: Such as polyurethane foam, fiberglass, or mineral wool to ensure thermal efficiency.
  5. Plastics and Composites: For various fittings, fixtures, and exterior cladding.
  6. Glass: Used for windows and sometimes for walls or partitions.
  7. Gypsum Board: Commonly used for interior walls and ceilings.
  8. Plumbing and Electrical Materials: Including PVC pipes, copper wiring, and related fixtures.
  9. Fasteners and Connectors: Bolts, screws, and other connectors essential for assembly.

Production Process

  1. Design and Planning:
    • Architectural Design: Creation of detailed architectural plans and 3D models.
    • Engineering: Structural, electrical, and plumbing plans are developed.
    • Customization: Options for personalization based on customer requirements.
  2. Material Procurement:
    • Sourcing of high-quality raw materials from reliable suppliers.
    • Quality checks and inventory management to ensure materials meet the required standards.
  3. Module Fabrication:
    • Frame Construction: Steel or wooden frames are fabricated according to design specifications.
    • Panel Manufacturing: Concrete panels, insulated walls, and roof panels are produced.
    • Sub-assembly: Windows, doors, and other components are assembled separately.
  4. Module Assembly:
    • Structural Assembly: Modules are assembled by welding or bolting together the frame and attaching the panels.
    • Insulation and Sealing: Insulation materials are installed, and joints are sealed to ensure thermal and moisture protection.
    • Interior Finishing: Installation of gypsum boards, flooring, and interior fixtures.
  5. Plumbing and Electrical Integration:
    • Installation of plumbing and electrical systems as per the design.
    • Testing of systems to ensure functionality and safety.
  6. Exterior Finishing:
    • Application of exterior cladding materials such as composite panels or weather-resistant coatings.
    • Installation of windows and exterior doors.
  7. Quality Control:
    • Comprehensive inspections to ensure structural integrity, safety, and compliance with building codes.
    • Final adjustments and touch-ups based on quality assessments.
  8. Transportation:
    • Modules are prepared for transportation, typically by securing them to flatbed trucks or shipping containers.
    • Transportation to the site where the capsule house will be installed.
  9. On-site Installation:
    • Foundation preparation, if not already in place.
    • Craning and placement of modules onto the foundation.
    • Connection of modules to utilities (water, electricity, sewage).
    • Final assembly and finishing touches.
  10. Handover:
    • Final inspection by the customer.
    • Handover of keys and documentation related to the house.

Sustainability and Innovation

  • Eco-friendly Materials: Use of recycled materials and sustainable sources for wood and other components.
  • Energy Efficiency: Incorporation of solar panels, energy-efficient windows, and advanced insulation techniques.
  • Smart Technology: Integration of smart home systems for lighting, heating, and security.
  • Waste Reduction: Efficient use of materials and recycling of waste during the production process.

This streamlined production process ensures that capsule houses are not only quick to build and install but also meet modern standards of sustainability, efficiency, and customization.


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