PVC marble sheet production raw materials and production process


Producing PVC marble sheets involves a series of meticulous steps and requires a variety of raw materials. These sheets are popular in the construction and interior design industries due to their aesthetic appeal and durability. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the process and the materials involved:

Raw Materials

  1. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resin
    • Description: PVC resin is the primary raw material used in the production of PVC marble sheets. It is a synthetic plastic polymer that provides the structural base for the sheets.
    • Types: Suspension PVC (S-PVC) is commonly used due to its high purity and versatile processing characteristics.
  2. Plasticizers
    • Description: These are added to enhance the flexibility and workability of the PVC. They make the final product more pliable and easier to handle.
    • Common Plasticizers: Dioctyl phthalate (DOP), dioctyl terephthalate (DOTP), and diisononyl phthalate (DINP).
  3. Stabilizers
    • Description: Stabilizers are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the PVC during processing. They prevent degradation caused by heat and light.
    • Types: Calcium-zinc stabilizers, tin stabilizers, and lead stabilizers (though the latter is less common due to health concerns).
  4. Fillers
    • Description: Fillers are used to increase the volume of the product and improve its mechanical properties. They also reduce production costs.
    • Common Fillers: Calcium carbonate is widely used due to its availability and cost-effectiveness.
  5. Pigments and Dyes
    • Description: These are essential for achieving the marble-like appearance of the PVC sheets. Pigments provide the color, while dyes can add patterns and variations.
    • Examples: Titanium dioxide for white, carbon black for black, and various metallic oxides for different hues.
  6. Additives
    • Description: Various additives are incorporated to impart specific properties to the PVC sheets, such as UV resistance, impact resistance, and flame retardancy.
    • Examples: UV stabilizers, impact modifiers, and flame retardants like antimony trioxide.

Production Process

  1. Compounding
    • How: The raw materials, including PVC resin, plasticizers, stabilizers, fillers, pigments, and additives, are mixed in precise proportions. This mixture is often processed in a high-speed mixer to ensure uniformity.
    • Why: Proper compounding ensures that the final product has consistent quality and the desired physical properties.
  2. Extrusion
    • How: The compounded mixture is fed into an extruder, where it is heated and melted. The molten material is then forced through a die to form a continuous sheet.
    • Why: Extrusion shapes the material into a sheet form and allows for continuous production, increasing efficiency.
  3. Calendering
    • How: The extruded sheet passes through a series of heated rollers, which smooth and flatten it to the desired thickness. During this step, texture rollers can be used to imprint the marble-like patterns.
    • Why: Calendering ensures that the sheet has a uniform thickness and a smooth surface, essential for its final appearance and performance.
  4. Cooling
    • How: After calendering, the sheet is cooled using a cooling system, typically involving water or air.
    • Why: Cooling solidifies the sheet, setting its shape and dimensions.
  5. Cutting and Trimming
    • How: The cooled sheet is cut to the required dimensions and trimmed to remove any excess material.
    • Why: This step ensures that the sheets are ready for installation and meet size specifications.
  6. Quality Control and Packaging
    • How: The finished sheets undergo quality control checks to ensure they meet the required standards for appearance, thickness, and mechanical properties. They are then packaged for shipment.
    • Why: Quality control is critical to maintaining product consistency and customer satisfaction.


Producing PVC marble sheets is a complex process that relies on a precise blend of raw materials and careful execution of each production step. PVC resin provides the base structure, while plasticizers, stabilizers, fillers, pigments, and various additives enhance the material’s properties and appearance. The production involves compounding, extrusion, calendering, cooling, and cutting, followed by stringent quality control to ensure a high-quality final product. This method results in durable, aesthetically pleasing sheets suitable for a wide range of applications in construction and interior design.

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